Choose Your Plan

Neighborhood Plan

Upto 15 billable transactions per month


Unlimited individual and group messaging.
Unlimited Social media posting.
Ability to offer and request help.
Ability for members to create and manage a group.
Ability for admins to create and manage an event
Multiple language support
Email & push notifications
Calendar sync with iCal, Google, and Outlook
Unlimited Posts to a Feed.

Friends and Family

Upto 50 billable transactions per month
Intended for a circle of friends and family

$30 / per month

Neighborhood plan features
Private non-searchable communities
Administrative control of membership.
Monthly Analytic Reports
Create private Groups
Make virtual requests and offers public to SevaX Global


Upto 50 billable transactions per month
Beyond 50 transactions, the cost is 5c per transactions

$150 / per month

Intended for a small community of volunteers

Neighborhood plan features
Reward members for attending seminars.
Import users from an uploaded file
Members can create and manage private groups
Admins to create events and choose to make public
Admins can track their time and receive credits

Private Community

Upto 50 billable transactions per month
Beyond 50 transactions, the cost is 5c per

$15 / per month

Nothing here is searchable or visible outside the Community.

Note that any plan can be made Private

Community Plus

Upto 1500 billable transactions per month
Beyond 1500 transactions, the cost is 5c per transactions

$250 / per month

Intended for a larger community of volunteers – with more transactions included in the Plan

Neighborhood and Community plan features
Reward members for attending seminars.
Import users from an uploaded file
Members can create and manage private groups
Admins to create events and choose to make public
Manually input admin hours for credits


upto 3000 billable transactions per month
Beyond 3000 transactions, the cost is 3c per transactions

Start at $1500 / per month

All features are enabled. Intended for Non-profit organizations who want to recruit, manage, and mobilize volunteers, communicate with their branch organizations, and fundraise

Neighborhood, Community, & Community Plus plan features
Assign parent/child relationships to national and local branches.
Generate Ad hoc reports.
Search or get matched to skilled volunteers
Fundraise for causes
Assign multiple Super Admin

Enterprise Plan.

Start at $2500 / per month

Upto 5000 billable transactions per month
Beyond 5000 transactions, the cost is 2c per transactions

Intended for Corporations who want to fulfil their CSR initiatives and want to track employees’ volunteer time within the Corporation. Enterprises can give employees the option to create their own affinity groups for a more diverse and inclusive workforce community.
Access features included in all plans
Reward employees for attending company sponsored events
Generate Unlimited Ad hoc reports
Create Company Endorsed Groups
Get Matched to Community Causes and Donate Directly
Assign parent/child relationships to headquarters and local campuses